Tether on Ethereum

The Ethereum version of USDT is supported by Coinomi. Its ticker symbol is "eUSDT" to differentiate it from the Omnilayer token. It can be added from the "Add tokens - Ethereum" list. 

Tether on Omnilayer?

Essentially, Omnilayer is a dedicated BTC wallet that can hold tokens. The BTC denomination explains why the FIAT rate is the same as BTC at all times. However if you frequently send and receive BTC transactions we highly recommend you do it with the default "Bitcoin" wallet, and use the "Omnilayer" wallet exclusively for transacting Omnilayer tokens.

Omnilayer and Tether (or any other Omnilayer token that might be added in the future) work like Ethereum and its tokens: In order to receive USDT, a user needs the "base" Omnilayer wallet, just like one needs the Ethereum wallet to receive Ethereum tokens. You can add the Omnillayer USDT token wallet from the "Add tokens - Omnilayer" list.

Tether on Tron

The Tron version of USDT is currently not supported by Coinomi. USDT on Tron, along with other TRC20 tokens will be supported on a future update. If you receive USDT on Tron, don't worry, your tokens are perfectly safe and will display normally once TRC20 support is added.

How do I send/receive USDT?

To receive USDT use the "receive" Tether address as normally. For the Omnilayer version, normally a small BTC amount is transferred along with the tokens so the transaction is valid. Tokens of one blockchain (Omnilayer, Ethereum, Tron) can only be sent to address of the same chain. You cannot send Omnilayer USDT to an Ethereum address, for example.

If you are sending Omnilayer USDT make sure that you have enough BTC in the "Omnilayer" wallet specifically or else you will not be able to send USDT or other OMNI dApps. If you receive a warning like the image above, you can send BTC from your BTC wallet into it. If you don't have BTC in any other wallet, you can exchange another asset into BTC, or receive it from an exchange/customer. You can send and receive BTC in Omnilayer like with any other wallet, but we recommend you use that wallet exclusively for token transfers. Likewise, if you are sending Ethereum eUSDT, make sure you have ETH in your Ethereum wallet.

Why can't Coinomi pay my fees automatically?

The reason Coinomi cannot automatically convert the required base amounts and pay for fees, like for example online exchanges do, is the very reason it's safe: We are not custodian to your funds, so we cannot authorize that exchange for you automatically. Online exchanges own the private keys of your wallets, and also have ready made markets for those exchanges.

How do I exchange USDT for other cryptocurrencies?

You can exchange any supported coin to Omnilayer via the integrated exchanges (Sidebar>Exchange).

What's with the "Transaction history might contain invalid omni token transactions" warning?

You may notice a warning about invalid transactions on top of the USDT wallet. This is because, different from real coin transactions, omni token transactions can't be checked for validity immediately after broadcast. The transaction on the base (Bitcoin) layer will be valid and will confirm, but on the omni layer, the sender may have insufficient funds for example, making the transaction invalid. So when receiving USDT, check it on the block explorer that is shows as "successful" after confirmed.