Monero (XMR) was designed to use a different type of mnemonic phrase to backup wallets. This means any 24word Coinomi phrase is not directly compatible to import to XMR specific wallets such as the CakeWalet or Monerujo. There is a way to convert your 24word phrase into the 25 word XMR seed following the steps below.

Please CAREFULLY follow these steps and handle your recovery phrase as securely as possible:

1- open

2- Turn your device offline for greater security

3- Enter your Coinomi recovery phrase on the first text box of the page (BIP39 mnemonic)

4- Select "XMR" from the coin list

5- Scroll down to 'derived addresses' and check that you see your XMR address (Read important notes below if you have multiple XMR wallets)

6- If your address shows correctly, scroll up and you will see a box labeled "XMR Seed Words",Copy those 25 words down ON PAPER!

7- Close the page and turn your device online

8- Download and install Cake wallet/Monerujo from your device app store

9- Select Restore Wallet, Restore from seed/keys

10- Set a pin (whatever you like)

11- Select Monero, paste your 25 word seed 

12- Set the restore from blockheight to 1 and click Restore

Once Cake wallet fully syncs you should see all transactions and funds.

Important Notes:

  • Coinomi allows you to make more than one wallet for each coin. If you are trying to find the address for a secondary wallet you created, tap+hold that wallet in Coinomi and select "... / Account details". Note its derivation path. The numeric values for "purpose", "coin" and "account" on the page must match the numeric values of the derivation path in the app.