If, for any reason, you must access your Coinomi Ethereum wallet via MyEtherWallet (MEW), follow the instructions below. These steps simply allow MEW to access the ETH and tokens you have in Coinomi. Your funds remain in their current addresses, unless you explicitly make a transaction using the site.


The more direct process involves using your recovery phrase or private keys. Please do not perform it unless absolutely necessary. Do it only on a trusted device and make sure that it's free of malware.

  1. Go to https://www.myetherwallet.com/access-my-wallet
    Due to an increase in phishing attempts, it is very important that you verify the SSL certificate and URL. It should look like this:

  2. Select "Software" then "Mnemonic phrase"

  3. Set the number of words to 24 and enter your full recovery phrase.
    If your phrase has 18 words, you can follow the instructions here to get the private key to your address, and use the "Private key" option instead of "Mnemonic phrase". After entering the key you are already done, no need to continue reading below.

  4. On the "HD Derivation Path" section, select "Ledger" as the path

  5. Your address should be the first one of the list. Select it and continue. You now are connected to your Coinomi address

Again, this process involves directly interacting with your recovery phrase. Only perform this process if absolutely necessary, only in a trusted computer and free of malware.

It's possible to make a transaction in a completely offline manner, keeping your private keys only on an offline device and never exposing it online. To do this, you can follow the instructions here: https://kb.myetherwallet.com/en/offline/offline_transaction/