
Never share your recovery phrase or private keys with anyone. Anyone who has access to that information can steal your funds without your permission. Handling plaintext private keys on an online device is unsafe unless you are extremely careful, and is not an operation you should be required to do with any kind of frequency. 

You can extract your keys by using Ian Coleman's Recovery Tool. It runs locally in your browser and is fully open source. There is no sensitive information sent across the internet. If you want to be extra secure, it is strongly recommended to save the HTML file and run it on an airgapped offline device.

  1. Open https://iancoleman.io/bip39/. It is strongly recommended that you save the HTML file and run it on an offline device.

    For Aion, Algorand (ALGO), Decred (DCR), NEM (XEM), Smartcash (SMART), Tron (TRX), Monero (XMR) and Ethereum-based coins, please read the "coin specific notes" further down for specific information.

  2. Enter your recovery phrase into the " BIP39 mnemonic" box.
  3. If you have used an extra BIP39 Passphrase, you should enter it in the "BIP39 Passphrase" box. Otherwise, leave it empty. That is not your app withdraw password.

  4. Select the coin you want to view/export from the 'Coin' dropdown list.

  5. Scroll down to the 'Derived Addresses' section. Find your address and copy the private key that corresponds to it. If you are on a mobile device, you will need to scroll all the way to the right to see the corresponding private key. 

Important notes:

  • It's not necessary to keep individual keys as a backup, the recovery phrase is all you need.

  • Be mindful of where you use the keys and how you transfer them from the page to the destined software. Malware in your system may be able to detect keys and steal your funds.

  • The list of addresses is generated in the same order as the Coinomi app. You do not need to look through thousands of addresses (unless you have used thousands of addresses in the app as well). For example, the third address that was used in the app will be the third address on this list as well.

  • If you sent coins out with that wallet, you may have "change" on change addresses. In the "Derivation Path" section set the value of "External/Internal" from 0 to 1 to list the change addresses.

  • If your wallet is upgraded with segwit, on the Derivation Path section of the page select "BIP84" and "BIP49" to display the "Default" and "Compatibility" addresses respectively.

  • Coinomi allows you to make more than one wallet for each coin. If you are trying to find the address for a secondary wallet you created, tap+hold that wallet in Coinomi and select "... / Account details". Note its derivation path. The numeric values for "purpose", "coin" and "account" on the page must match the numeric values of the derivation path in the app.

Coin specific notes:

  • For Ethereum-based coins (ETH, ETC, EXP, CLO, MUSIC, MIX, POA) specifically, select the "BIP32" option on the "Derivation Path" section and choose "Coinomi" as the client.

  • For Aion, Algorand (ALGO), Decred (DCR), NEM (XEM), Smartcash (SMART), Tron (TRX) specifically, use our tool here: https://coinomi.github.io/tools/bip39/.

  • For Monero (XMR) specifically, use our tool here: https://coinomi.github.io/tools/bip39/. When selecting Monero as the coin, you will see a new text box on the tool labelled "XMR Seed Words". This is the a recovery phrase with 25 words that you can be used on the official XMR wallet. If you have multiple Monero wallets in Coinomi, change the "Account" value on the derivation path for each of those other wallets so that the XMR Seed Words are updated. - You may also find it easier to follow this guide: https://coinomi.freshdesk.com/en/support/solutions/articles/29000039549

Recovering Coins sent to Coinomi using the wrong blockchain network:

If you are using the tool specifically to recover coins sent to the Coinomi using the wrong blockchain network please see a list of guides below for the most common network errors:

1. Matic/Polygon to ETH

2. TRC20 to TRON (currently coinomi does not support trc20)

3. BEP20 sent to ETH

Consolidating your coins:

It is certainly easier to use your private keys if all coins are in a single address. This means a single private key is needed to control all coins. This reduces your privacy against blockchain analysis, but makes it more convenient to claim forks before a snapshot, for example. To consolidate your coins in a single address, do the following:

  1. Open the wallet of the coins you want to consolidate
  2. Go to the "receive" page and copy your own address
  3. Go to the "send" page and paste the address copied in the previous step
  4. Select the "send all funds" button and send